Thought I’d share a quick look at Becca and David’s wedding album, delivered from Italy last week. Their album had a brushed stainless steel cover and the parent’s book a hardbound copy with dustjacket.
Planning a wedding is one of the hardest things you will ever undertake. There are just so many details to remember, so many opinions to juggle, some many ways you could possibly put someone’s nose out of joint. Looking after yourself might be the last thing on your mind at this time.
While you are scheduling everything else, schedule in some self-care time for you as well, you can even do some waxing, With brazilian wax, you’ll have longer lasting effects and your hair won’t grow back as quickly and feel smooth and nice.
Book a massage
A simple thing you can do is book a massage, or even more than one, in the weeks before your wedding. You might be surprised at how tense your body has become, with stress in your back, neck, and shoulders. Book time to get a massage, even a head massage, to help you chill out.
Schedule a rejuvenating facial
This has the extra benefit of getting your skin glowing for the wedding day, so it is easy to justify. Just don’t do it too close to the big day because in the short term it can bring out all your blemishes. Talk to a skin specialist about the best time to schedule this in, and enjoy!
While you are there, get a head massage, as well as a manicure and pedicure too, to have you feeling good from top to toe.
The last thing you want is to get so stressed before your wedding that you look back on this time unhappily; planning for your special day is supposed to be one of the most enjoyable moments of your life. Take a little time, grab a partner if you want, and just chill out. Going into your wedding day happy, healthy and above all, relaxed, will make for such a greater day.

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